
Package features and pricing

For a full website build or creating new pages please contact us for pricing – info@optionsplus.net


Standard – £20 Monthly

Advanced – £60 Monthly

Editable Template Website (up and running in a few days)YesYes
Edit and upload Products and PagesYesYes
Support (during UK work hours)freefree (High Priority)
Custom work – changes to pages, general edits *Priced Per Job – Standard TimePriced Per Job – High Priority Time
Sales channelsWoo commerceWoo commerce
Discount codesYesYes
Free SSL certificateYesYes
Standard domain – yourname.optionsplus.netYesYes
Free Custom domain – yourname.comSeparateYes (under £10 free)
Email accountNo-reply@optionsplus.net (you can set up your own)Yes (we set it up for you with a custom email)
Payment GatewaysPaypal, woocommercePaypal, woocommerce
Mail Marketing Setup (Klaviyo)NoYes
Cart AbandonmentNoYes
Plugin Connections (add functionality and connections to your site like Trust Pilot, Page builder, GDPR consent, Mail Marketing etc) – ConnectionsStandardStandard, Premium, Exclusive Connections (talk to us about Exclusive connections)



Standard – £20 Monthly

Editable Website (up and running in a few days)Yes
Edit and upload Products and PagesYes
Support (during UK work hours)free
Custom work – extra pages, page layout editing, plugins etc£60 hour
Sales channelsWoo commerce
Discount codesYes
Free SSL certificateYes
Standard domain – yourname.optionsplus.netYes
Free Custom domain – yourname.comSeparate
Email accountNo
Payment GatewaysPaypal, woocommerce
Mail Marketing Setup (Klaviyo)No
Cart AbandonmentNo
Plugin Connections (add functionality and connections to your site like Trust Pilot, Page builder, GDPR consent, Mail Marketing etc) – ConnectionsStandard


Advanced – £60 Monthly

Editable Website (up and running in a few days)Yes
Edit and upload Products and PagesYes
Support (during UK work hours)free  (High Priority)
Custom work – extra pages, page layout editing, plugins etc£40 hour
Sales channelsWoo commerce
Discount codesYes
Free SSL certificateYes
Standard domain – yourname.optionsplus.netYes
Free Custom domain – yourname.comYes (under £10 free)
Email accountYes
Payment GatewaysPaypal, woocommerce
Mail Marketing Setup (Klaviyo)Yes
Cart AbandonmentYes
Plugin Connections (add functionality and connections to your site like Trust Pilot, Page builder, GDPR consent, Mail Marketing etc) – ConnectionsStandard, Premium, Exclusive Connections (talk to us about Exclusive connections)

*Custom Work – we would need an outline of what you need us to do. We then go through systematically all your points then notify you once all jobs have been completed. If for some reason some aspects of your job could not be completed we will allocate the next equivalent task(s) to be included.


See below for the list of plugins that can connect to your site

Talk to us if you want these turned on for your site.

Standard Connections

Comes with all packages
  • Shopping Channel
  • GDPR / Cookie Compliance Banner
  • Page Builder
  • Cache Handler
  • Product Builder
  • Drop Shipping Link with Options Ltd

Premium Connections

Comes with Advanced Package (talk to us about which ones you want turned on)
  • Everything from Standard
  • Trust Pilot
  • Mail Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Facebook Pixel

Exclusive Connections

Comes with Advanced Package
  • Talk to us about having a connection made for other plugins
  • Set up price varies on complexity